Video Game AI and Dracula

Autumn Moulios
2 min readFeb 5, 2021

My research topic explores how Dracula uses a defined set of rules that the antagonists (vampires) follow, and how that type of design connects to today’s video game AI. I’m looking to see how this style of storytelling using rulesets allows the reader to make predictions and engage with the story similar to how a player engages with a game. I’m also considering directly comparing vampire rules to the rules of more recent horror monsters in media (like Pennywise rom IT) to see if this type of monster design holds up in the same way today, or to see how it has evolved.

Key Terms:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) — computer programs that are designed to act intelligently (even if they are not conscious). An example would be a program that plays chess.

Bark — Auditory feedback given by AI characters in games to communicate what they are currently “thinking”.

Finite State Machine — a classification of a program that involves a set amount of states the program can be in and criteria to switch between those states. It is one common way that AI is structured in games.

Game System- a collection of parts of a game that affect each other directly (such as your actions as a player affecting the actions of enemies).

Feedback — The output of a particular system with regards to the input

Works Cited:

Brown, Mark. “What Makes Good AI? | Game Maker’s Toolkit.” YouTube, uploaded by Game Maker’s Toolkit, 31 May 2017,

Halberstam, Jack. Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters. 1st ed., Duke University Press Books, 1995. Google Books, hl=en&lr=&id=q10CzrWdwfEC&oi=fnd&pg=PP11&dq=the+rules+of+ victorian+monsters&ots=8EHquDmOmP&sig=kS_VYlQPy6JJJbnbsNZhJrS5iaQ#v=onepage&q&f=false.

